CIVIL APPEAL NO(s). 13708 – 13709 OF 2024
(3JB, Sanjiv Khanna, Sanjay Kumar and R.Mahadevan JJ., delivered by R.MAHADEVAN, J.)
The Supreme Court recently emphasized the need to restore, protect, and preserve the ancient Oachira Parabrahma Temple in Kerala while addressing disputes over its management and administration. The Court appointed Justice K. Ramakrishnan, a retired Kerala High Court Judge, as the new Administrative Head to oversee elections for the temple’s governing bodies. The case arose from appeals by individuals claiming to be the elected Secretary and President of the temple’s Executive Committee, challenging Kerala High Court orders that restructured the temple’s administration.
The Oachira Parabrahma Temple stands out as unique due to its lack of a building, idol, or sanctum sanctorum, and its administration is governed by three-tier elected committees as per its bye-laws. In 2017, appellants were elected as Secretary and President of the Executive Committee, but disputes over governance intensified. A 2006 suit initiated by devotees sought the framing of an administrative scheme for the temple, which led the trial court to issue a preliminary decree. While hereditary trustees (Sthanis) appealed for safeguards, the High Court in subsequent orders made significant changes to the administration, including appointing an unelected committee contrary to existing bye-laws.
The Supreme Court noted serious disputes between the High Court-appointed Administrative Head and the elected Executive Committee over managing the temple and its institutions. The temple administers a hospital, a nursing college, and a nursing school, serving the public across its sprawling 21.25-acre property. Acknowledging the temple’s historical and cultural importance, the Court stressed the need for meticulous preservation and protection of its assets.
Pending finalization of the administrative scheme in the District Court, the Supreme Court deemed it necessary to hold fresh elections under the supervision of an impartial administrator. The Court appointed Justice K. Ramakrishnan as the new Administrative Head with the responsibility to conduct elections fairly and finalize the voters’ list. The Administrative Head’s honorarium was set at ₹2,00,000 per month, and they were tasked with ensuring a smooth transition by taking over the charge and accounts from the previous administration.
The Court highlighted the importance of adhering to the temple’s customs and bye-laws while addressing disputes. It emphasized that a well-structured and impartial administrative framework is crucial for the temple’s effective management. The case underscores the judiciary’s role in balancing preservation of cultural heritage with ensuring transparent governance.
By resolving these long-standing disputes and initiating fair elections, the Supreme Court seeks to restore trust in the temple’s administration, ensuring its legacy is preserved for future generations. The decision reflects the judiciary’s commitment to protecting heritage institutions while fostering accountability and inclusiveness in their governance.